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  • Writer's pictureElvish Smith

Age verification POS systems for retail tobacco stores

Many firms in the United States are entering into the legal business of tobacco products. Owning such businesses is really lucrative but often comes with numerous challenges. The greater challenge for these retail stores is adult age verification for customers. Selling tobacco products in the US requires merchants to verify the age of buyers. Failure to verify underage buyers of tobacco products could result in high penalties and felonies for the merchants. That’s why the inventive configuration of the tobacco store POS system Philadelphia has geared up the routine processes of retail store owners smoothly and efficiently.

Switch to The GuruWay POS system technology

We are a tech-savvy team of professionals offering top-notch systems to tobacco store owners. Our tobacco store point of sale system Philadelphia enables you to swipe your driver’s license or state-issued ID cards to compute your age. This powerful feature will evade the guesswork and let you audit age verification before selling tobacco products. Check how the system works for the age verification of customers below.

If you have a dedicated staff to deal with the customers then the system could make their job fairly easier. The staff only need to swipe the card through the POS machine and the POS will read the magnetic stripe on the back of the card. It will then automatically display the information about the customer such as:

Customer age


Date of birth

Name of the state

In addition to this information, the tobacco shop POS system Philadelphia can also capture:

Date and time of the swipe

ID expiration and issuing date

Full address of the customer

In such a way, the POS system can save the required data in the system and enable you to verify the same for every purchase. The recorded information about customers can also be exported to other data storage locations in your POS-integrated desktop. Therefore, along with age verification, the system can also help you to manage the data securely.

It is pointless to say that selling tobacco products requires so many legal formalities to be completed. Among those, you have to make sure of the implementation of a reliable age verification system to obtain a license for running such a store. Therefore, we at The GuruWay provide you with the best tobacco shop point of sale system Philadelphia. This would certainly make the day-to-day business operations faultless for you.

Furthermore, this system will make the age audit process far easier than traditional processes. The system will keep the information about every ID stored. So, it can also detect the expiration or validity of the ID of every customer. Also, when the ID is swept through the POS, it will display the age of 1 to 17 years in red color, 18 to 20 in orange, and shows green color for 21 and above. This means the system will help you and your staff to be cautioned when needed to make the sale legal.

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